Saturday, September 24, 2011

Mitt "Tecs" Romney fires back a quip worthy of H.L.Mencken... his heart/mind.


Tecumseh said...

Herr Rotter's newfound fount of political wisdom is a hot blonde chick, who says:

So I guess Ed Morrissey @ HotAir read this and thought to himself: “OMG, I MUST HIRE THIS PERSON, BE IT MALE OR FEMALE, BASED PURELY ON HIS OR HER AWESOME WRITING SKILLZ!!!”

Les grands esprits se rencontrent!

Tecumseh said...

Rot "Rove" Evil Genius: But some national groups say Perry's immigration record could lead to an early exit. "Rick Perry is finished," said Americans for Legal Immigration's campaign arm in a statement Friday.
The Tea Party Nation is also losing enthusiasm for Perry. "Perry has gained a lot of traction from the Tea Party movement," said Judson Phillips, the group's founder. "By doubling down on the illegal alien issue, he has gained no friends and alienated many in the conservative movement."

A great job, Mr Rot. You remember your own adage, "You have to win", don't you? How's that strategy working out for ya?

Mr roT said...

Yup, but Perry screwed up by debating like a mongoloid, not by having reason on his side.

Tecumseh said...

I'm not sure I can follow your syntax correctly, so let me try to insert a boolean operator, to see if that helps. Do you mean,

Yup, but Perry screwed up by debating like a mongoloid, and by not having reason on his side

I can readily agree to that. But who knows, maybe you meant something else. Mysterious are the ways Rotter propositional calculus. Almost as opaque as a Perry speech.

Mr roT said...

If you can't read English, I reckon you should maybe go to school.

Perry will pick the tab.

Tecumseh said...

Oh, yeah? Why don't you parse your sentence for me --slowly, with boolean operators and quantifiers thrown in, so that I can follow, in my own dumb way the logic behind it? As is, even after reading it 4 or 5 times, I still can't make heads or tails of it, except perhaps guessing that you are trying to present some lame excuses for why your favorite is doing so poorly.