Thursday, April 26, 2007

Offending Local Sensibilities, Part II

First Sean Hannity goes after Alec Baldwin for threatening his 12-year-old pig daughter (since this, my father's new one-liner around the house is, "Don't make me go Alec Baldwin on you!"), and now Dinesh Gupta calls for the arrest of Richard Gere and Shilpa Shetty for their kissing orgy in India.

Such immorality!

Even more disturbing is the idea that 12-year-olds are All Things Innocent. I know how I acted at 12, and I didn't even have access to the entitlements of being a pig Hollywood brat.


Mr roT said...

Richard Gere and ALec Baldwin should both be arrested for high schmuckery.
Then hanged.

My Frontier Thesis said...

Baldwin is an idiot. The cameras should be kept on him at all times. Even so, I get a kick how Sean Hannity portrays 12-year-olds as All Things Innocent.

Kids start learning how to manipulate adults, I'm thinking around 2 1/2-years-old. This does not excuse Baldwin's behavior. But come on, Hannity. I know what I and my friends were scheming by 12 -- ahhh, what fun.

Mr roT said...

Mountin' time?

My Frontier Thesis said...

Naw, more like fireworks, nudie mags, and swearing, doing our best to keep it all from the adults, of course.

Tecumseh said...

Isn't "pig" masculine? But of course, in JJ land, such nuances as according tenses or genders or singular/plural don't matter...