Thursday, April 26, 2007

Sarko surrenders, preemptively

I guess that's the way one courts the French electorate -- the candidates must outdo each other in announcing how much faster they will surrender to the head-hackers. The Versailles vote is all sewn up, yes?


Mr roT said...

He's afraid all the Bayrouistes will go with Sego. It's good politics, probably. I'll be happy with him if he cleans up the banlieues. France has no business cleaning up the world when it's a cesspool on its own.

Tecumseh said...

Does France still have an Army? All this business about withdrawing or not sounds silly to me -- as if France can still affect militarily anything. When was the last time they did? 1918?

Mr roT said...

Right. What's the moral issue? Their boys won't be out there getting all morally Pepeesque and switching to the Taliban side. Still, I stand by my analysis. They have no business out there.

Tecumseh said...

Hmmm... OK, then, what should the French do -- that is, besides eating cheese, drinking red wine, and waiting for Godot?

Mr roT said...

Sounds like a fun plan if you're an effete Eurotype wondering if you exist.

Pepe le Pew said...

For once, we all agree: y'all are doing such a fantastic job at controlling your plethora of conflicts, you really ought to be given the opportunity to handle this one on your own.

Mr roT said...

Good idea. Maybe the French ought to get out of Hezbollahbanon, too. They're on Nasrallah's side.