Saturday, February 23, 2008

All publicity is good publicity

in show business.


Tecumseh said...

Good for McCain. Finally, he's listening to me, and not to JJ. Powwww!!! AB is mine.

Tecumseh said...

Maybe McCain should take a page from Will Smith's playbook, and sue the pants off the NYT?

Mr roT said...

Oh my God! You really are a EuroPinko! You can sue papers over there really easily, not like here. No, AI. Time to go back to Russia with party organs (so gay sounding) and intimidate the press with shysters.
I suggest Italy.

Tecumseh said...

Go listen to Willie Nelson!

Mr roT said...

Willie is a national treasure but not for his politics. How does Voiculescu see American politics? Prefascist like my "right-wing" friends from Italy in Cambridge?

Tecumseh said...

I don't think he has time for politics -- just does math, day and night.