Friday, February 22, 2008

Mac vs the Grey Lady

The Pravda in its heyday was more honest than its Hudson cousin. At least, they would let you know, in your face, on whose side they were. That said, can Mac punch back -- as JJ assured us? I know he could kick Mitt in the groin, but how is he gonna react when he gets sucker-punched, over and over, by Hillobama's amen corner?


Tecumseh said...

Says Rush: “The important question for John McCain today is, Is he going to learn the right lesson from this, and what is the lesson? The lesson is liberals are to be defeated. You cannot walk across the aisle with them. You cannot reach across the aisle. You cannot welcome their media members on your bus and get all cozy with them and expect eternal love from them.”

See that, JJ?

Mr roT said...

Awful. Quoting Rush now? And Rush is supplying Mac with advice?

Don't react to Pepe's mischaracterizations by resembling them.

Tecumseh said...

Why not quote Rush? The NYT does, in the clincher. Sounds relevant to me. And, I don't give a whiff about Pepe's characterizations -- they're all caricatures to start with.

Be that as it may, here is some back back story from Brooks. Doesn't sound good to me. Best case: McCain is surrounded by a bunch of idiots, more interested in duking it out (to the point of damaging him), than in running a good campaign. Worst case: McCain dug himself deeper with the complete denials -- even though the original NYT story is total crap (as it's 99% sure), if they can catch him with a fib, he's in deep doo-doo. Either way, and on top of the lingering (and non-trivial) problems he has with the majority of the party he seeks to represent, does not augur well at all for the Fall.

Mr roT said...

No way that Rush's dittoheads and the nativists are the majority of the Republican party. If they were, I would vote against them every time. If American culture coul use a smacking around to shake it from its PC idiocy, it sure has a good genetic hatred toward true blievers of the other stripe.
Rush is quoted in the left media to make all conservatives look and sound as idiotic as Pepe makes them out to be. Pepe is foolish to believe those characterizations. If the NYT wants to make conservatives look like a scary monolithic bloc of Bible-thumping morons awaiting the Second Coming and supporting Israel for no other reason, they need look no farther for examples than among Rush's listeners.
If Ann Coulter is a nazi ho-bag in the opinion of our auguste group, then Rush is all the moreso.
Rush was not long ago saying it was more important to be right all the time as a party and so rather than support a bad Republican, he would support Hillary.
Sorry to succumb to Godwin's Law here, but it reminds me of poor little Hitler boxed up in his bunker ranting that the Germans didn't deserve him, they were so cowardly in implementing his plans for the Millenium.

Tecumseh said...

JJ, JJ -- you start sounding like Maureen Dowd when she forgets her meds. Who said the dittoheads form the majority of the Republican Party? You're just projecting here, man. Of course, I was referring to the (certifiable) fact that McCain, for most of the primary season (while he had viable candidates running against him) was winning at most 30% of the vote. If you make the subtraction (yes you can!) you'll see that the majority opposed him. And that had nothing to with anything you said, but based on the stands he took for the past 10 years or so as Senator. Fair enough? Just trying to shove this inconvenient fact under the rug won't make it go away. The more important point is (and that's the point Rush was trying to make, I think, albeit imperfectly) is that, no matter how hard McCain runs towards the center or left, the Gray Old Lady, MoveOn, etc still won't love him -- they will cajole him, and egg him on, but when the time comes, they will kick him in the shins, and push for the true blue pinko. If you don't see that, well...

Mr roT said...

I don't think that the 70% voting for Romney and Huckabee and all the other losers were voting against McCain because of his voting record in Congress and his alleged gussying up with pinkos or whatever. They had a preference for those guys based on other things, perhaps, duh...
As for Rush, he isn't saying a goddamn thing (as usual). He says McCain giving the NYT access doesn't pull them to his side. Duh. The NYT is a paper, not a campaign manager.
The NYT will rip Obama a new one too, when the time comes, though it's true he will have to do more to get them after him.
NYT broke the Rezko story, didn't they?

Tecumseh said...

JJ, you just keep diggin' here. Just face it, you got on the wrong foot on this story, and you don;t have a case. Call it a game while you're only a case of Harpoon down, and move on.