Thursday, February 28, 2008

Assworshipping Limbaugh

speaks of a maudlin Buckley on brandy. Sickening enough to vote Obama.


Tecumseh said...

JJ, you seem to have a fixation with Rush. How come you check him out on the WFB obits? I could have thought of 100 different people before Rushbo on this one.

Tecumseh said...

Better obit: A particularly nasty physician named Marshall Prickman penned an abusive letter insulting Bill for everything from his "stupidity" to his supposedly ugly face. Buckley published the letter, with this reply: "Dear Doc, Please call me Bill. May I address you by your nickname?"

Mr roT said...

I guess my fixation is a product f this: If Buckley exorcised 'intellectually dead' conservatism from its John Birchers and so on, how is it that he tolerated Rush. That guy is sickening. And then how the heck is it that Buckley did anything particularly other than have a little salon like Madame de Stael?

It seems a lot of elitist NE crap.

Conservatism will never be free of religious monkeys snf will always be the more intellectually uninteresting like liberalism will always be stuck with bottle-throwers and have the exciting ideas.

Making conservatism respectable in all thses obits means making conservatism respectable among a lot of shit guys on decks of yachts in Connecticut marinas.

Who the hell cares about them?

Also, this thing about Reagan being all wild of Buckley is funny. I didn't know Reagan could read at all.

He was right a lot, but he was no theoretician.

Arelcao Akleos said...

You have to be a Theoretician to read?
Explains all those illiterate experimental physicists.