Thursday, February 21, 2008

Evil Genius Opines


Tecumseh said...

Where's the label? Slippin, JJ, slippin. But, yes, good find. And that's precisely how one should try to counter the Obama phenom: challenge him on his ideology, not on his own game. Of course, Hillary is incapable of doing that, since her own ideology is only microscopically different. But Karl Rove can -- well, with an assist from Obama himself. Did you guys listen to that Houston speech? It was a stemwinder -- kind of like Brezhnev at the Party Congress, going on and on for hours about how the Nanny State is gonna fix all that's evil in this world. The TV channels never interrupted, they stayed with him religiously. By contrast, McCain's speech was only a few minutes long. Not as incisive as Rove's analysis, but he got a zinger in. He gotta start learning how to do this better...

Mr roT said...

Didn't see Houston speech. Is it online?