Saturday, February 23, 2008

Back when the USA had guts

This was the ABM to beat all ABMs. I remember being very disappointed when Nixon and Kissinger let the Russians talk us out of keeping these babies around so we could get clobbered by commie nukes instead. What shitheads.
I seem to remember seeing video of the Sprint also. If the redneck version of "hauling ass" is "shittin' an' gittin'," the Sprint shat and got.


Tecumseh said...

That was some missile! I'd forgot about it. Note that it was killed by Congress in Oct 1975 -- those were the post-Watergate days when the pinkos ruled the rooster. Commies were getting lots of mileage then, with Planet Pepe ullulating with joy. Dark days, I still remember.

Mr roT said...

I thought it was knocked off as part of SALT.