Sunday, February 24, 2008

NYT backpedalling hard

Maybe all that cozying up to the NYT did make friends of them...


Tecumseh said...

a conservative backlash against the “liberal” New York Times? Why do they put scare quotes around liberal? Is that because they think of themselves as out-and-out socialists? Or do they think of themselves totally apolitical? Or what?

Tecumseh said...

More musings:

Every wing nut in America’s been saying for weeks that the Times’s endorsement of John McCain in the New York primary was just a ruse, that the minute he had the nomination secured they’d drop the pose of Best Friend and turn out to be Worst Enemy. Problem is, we’ve all seen that movie a hundred times: For crying out loud, it’s the plot of Phantom Lady, and that movie came out in 1944! Not to mention the Peanuts comic strip, where Lucy yanks the football away from that helpless schlimazel, Charlie Brown, and he lands flat on his tush.

Read the whole thing, this guy is quite good.

Tecumseh said...

Definition of schlimazel for the schlemiels out there.

Mr roT said...

Kahane sounds like a crazed old Nixon walking on the beach alone, thinking evil thoughts to himself and mulling mulling mulling over all the revenges that one day,...

Tecumseh said...

How about this line: The other thing that’s bothering me is this Barry Hussein Jr., guy. How long is the Punahou Kid going to be able to skate on The Audacity of Hope and The Hope of Audacity? When you actually look at his voting record — and we sure hope you never do — you notice that basically he’s more or less of a commie, not that there’s anything wrong with that. Some of my best friends are commies, er, “progressives.” How is this Nixonian?

Mr roT said...

You're the one said Nixon was a commie. Not me.