Thursday, February 21, 2008

Payback's a Bitch...

Chuck Cooper, J.D., says put up your legal dukes.


Tecumseh said...

Right, o! Much as I don't like shysters, this is a situation when we need one to redress the wrongs.

Mr roT said...

Broadhead needs to go and the profs need to too.

Tecumseh said...

The Math Dept is really top notch. But, except for that, I don't know, Do they do anything else at Duke, besides blowing smoke, like this guy used to?

Shyster said...

And of course, a "shyster" is only needed when this amorphous "we" decides there is a wrong, and that said wrong needs to be redressed. Thank goodness that our society has this amorphous "we" to keep things moving along in a just and peaceful manner. Perish the thought of relying on a legal system and a group of individuals who have taken the time to become experts in its administration.

My Frontier Thesis said...

DLB, I only like to use the royal We when something is going Right, and They or Shysters in order to distance myself from what I perceive as Wrong, or what I don't understand.


My Frontier Thesis said...

Perish the thought of relying on a legal system and a group of individuals who have taken the time to become experts in its administration.

DLB's right. We should return to the wergeld and might-is-right system!