Thursday, February 21, 2008

Hale Berry will pick paper cups

Any other suggestions what the Hollywood types could do to show their rapture?


My Frontier Thesis said...

Good thing Caesar Eisenhower had those interstates constructed. Obama can more easily bring his message of redemption and salvation to new believers now.

Okay, let's get a list of 12 disciples going here too. Can we draw any analogies with the Biblical predecessors?

I'll begin a new thread to get the discussion going.

Tecumseh said...

While at it, let's also give credit to Ronnie for starting Star Wars, in the face of fierce opposition from the usual suspects. The shoot-out of that satellite is an off-shoot of that, and that's why Pooty is hoppin' mad. BTW, getting back to the more serious stuff, does anyone doubt that either Obama or Hillary would scale back our missile defenses? It seems axiomatic to me. Just ask Pepe.

My Frontier Thesis said...

Obama might give political talk that he's scaling back the missile defense portion, but he might veil it under the pretense that we need to keep the ballistics program going because of potential asteroids hitting earth. Just one political angle that either candidate could use (and I hope they do).

Tecumseh said...

Asteroids can be good -- they got rid of the dinos, so we could start roaming the Earth. But they can also be really bad. So let's keep an eye on them.

My Frontier Thesis said...

Yeah, while we're trying to kill one-another here on earth, we have to make sure that something non-earth doesn't kill every one of us.