Saturday, February 23, 2008

Gray Lady watch

Keep slippin' and diggin'. Even the Globe refused to run their slimeball article.


Tecumseh said...

To continue an earlier thread, here is what Taranto says on the matter:

"I don't know anything about it," Mr. McCain said. "Since it was in The New York Times, I don't take it at face value."

Not long ago, Rudy Giuliani was ribbing then-rival McCain for having been endorsed by the Times; and back when Giuliani's campaign was still a going concern, he tried appealing to the right by making a target of the media and especially the Times. This experience may serve McCain well by leading him to a more realistic view of the role that the mainstream media, and especially the Times, have come to play in American politics. If he internalizes the experience, he will understand that the old gray lady is not his friend and at least sometimes is his enemy.

Hah! Looks like Taranto is ripping me off again, though of course he puts it better. At any rate, where is that jeroboam, JJ?

Tecumseh said...

BTW, when you (rather ungraciously) refer to "the 70% voting for Romney and Huckabee and all the other losers", do you include your ex-hero and über-mensch Giuliani in that bunch of sorry losers? As a side note, and for the umpteenth time -- if McCain has the bad sense to listen to JJ's advice, and run his campaign against Romney, Huck, Rush, etc in the Fall, instead of Obama, he's gonna lose more badly than McGovern in 1972.

Mr roT said...

I have no idea what you're going on about. Taranto sounds like your moderate buddy Rush here. No politician thinks the Times is his friend. They are their own friends and print papers to make money. Duh. Sometimes they think they will ingratiate themselves to their readers by printing a hit job on, say, McCain or someone else. It is not the case that they always pick the guy on the right to hit but it is clear that they hit the right with particular glee. I believe it was here that the Rezko story was broken, nationwide.
That Taranto is warning McCain can't trust the Times to be among his real friends is disturbing when you think that maybe the WSJ, might not attack one of their own if he's caught with his pants down.
I don't know about you, but I detest European papers' party affiliations. You want that here, AI?

Mr roT said...

Of course I include Giuliani. I wrote 'the other losers' didn't I? What's the matter, pumpkin? Still miss Romney-Womney?

Mr roT said...

And now for the hallucinogen-inspired:As a side note, and for the umpteenth time -- if McCain has the bad sense to listen to JJ's advice, and run his campaign against Romney, Huck, Rush, etc in the Fall, instead of Obama, he's gonna lose more badly than McGovern in 1972.
Where in the hell have I ever said that? You sound like Mr Straman himself. You were the guy that wanted the Romney campaign to keep digging--I mean fighting on. I am all for party unity behind a good candidate. I said it myself that it was time (early) to shut up and get in line.

Tecumseh said...

Of course I detest newspapers that are Party organs -- a la Pravda, Le Monde, etc. The NYT is getting more and more like that -- it's been going over the edge a few times already. This is a sad spectacle, for a once mighty newspaper of record. At any rate, I don't quite see where we disagree here -- alas!

As for how to run the campaign -- here we still disagree. But I'm too busy to write a complete proof, and only have the margins of a book to do so. But trust me, you'd lose the argument if I had the energy to make it. As is, I'll settle for a case of AB, and shut up when you ship it. Deal?

Mr roT said...

It's in the mail.