Tuesday, February 26, 2008

The lack of practical sense of the prison administration

Let her go ahead with it and make everyone happy methinks.


Mr roT said...

her cellblock mates should pick up the tab as they ill be the ones benefiting...

Tecumseh said...

Where is Bubba when you need him?

Pepe le Pew said...

her cellblock mates should pick up the tab as they ill be the ones benefiting...
Call me a commie but everyone in the prison could benefit.

Tecumseh said...

They should adopt the French solution -- have a poster explaining what's going on, so the bourgeois can understand the problem. The cool billion follows.

Mr roT said...

you're a genius. france will pay?

Tecumseh said...

Sure, they have tons of money to burn, and this would be a way for them to show their infinite superiority to the uncouth Ricains. Money speaks.