Wednesday, February 27, 2008

One Helluva Good Shyster

Good to see another FCP Contributor on the board. Welcome aboard, Shyster. And he's a damned good Shyster at that!


Mr roT said...

Yes, welcome, Shyster. I suggest we start with some good lawyer jokes. For example:
Q: Why do attorneys wear their neckties so tight?
A: To hold the foreskin back.

OK, retaliate with one about math.

I like this game.

My Frontier Thesis said...

FCP has a pretty good demographic spread with bases of operation on the upper and lower Plains, two on the Atlantic seaboard, and one in the desert southwest. If one wanted to get a glimpse of the continuous 48, it's not a bad cross-section if we all commented on our local scene.

My Frontier Thesis said...

OK, retaliate with one about math.

I like this game.

Real life is often funnier than jokes. Take this for example: a statistician professor friend of mine inquired about going to work for Wall Street a year or two ago. He chatted a bit with the sitting doctoral statisticians about predictive modeling, and so on.

He said, "What happens if the model doesn't match the market result?" to which they responded, "It often doesn't, but we just create a new model then and continue collecting our six-figure paychecks..."

He's leaving his professorial position and moving to Hawaii in May to build houses and, in his words, do real work.

Okay, any one got a joke on philosophers, archaeologists, or historians? (Other than the "Archaeologists will date any old thing," or "Archaeologists do it in the dirt.")

My Frontier Thesis said...

...and, of course, an occasional lurker and contributor from New Orleans.