Saturday, October 10, 2009

Fear-based Steyn

“I’m afraid I’ve registered into a very conversative (sic), fear-based world here, but I’d like to suggest the incredible notion we all create our worlds in our conversations. What are you building by maligning rather than creating discourses for workability? Bravo to Obama and others working for people, however it appears to cynics.”


Arelcao Akleos said...

"creating discourses for workability"??? That is great, beautiful, worthy of a Nobel [hey, somebody's gotta grab the Lit Prize].
Should give it to my students to parse... see how they do with it.

Mr roT said...

I am sure they will be better at it than we are, old chum. That sweet smell of Chicago House is the air they've breathed since birth, poor kids.

Tecumseh said...

In a recent speech to the Manhattan Institute, Charles Krauthammer pointed out that, in diminishing American power abroad to advance statism at home, Obama and the American people will be choosing decline.

You don't say.

Mr roT said...

Back in November.