Saturday, October 10, 2009

The Obamamometer


Arelcao Akleos said...

Hmmm, Great Marketing Opportunity. Brown-nosers and lick-spittles have been getting by on mere [however vivid] qualitative assesments of their prowess. With Obama, a science can be made of it.
After all, like Linus Pauling he deserves a Phys. or Chem. to go with his Peace Nobel.

Tecumseh said...

One of the hardest things about being a liberal Democrat is that, when you’re talking to the resentful yahoos whose votes you unfortunately need, you have to pretend to care about them. When you’re trying to sell Hope and Change, you need to give the rubes Hope that the Change is going to be Change they want. Even when you know there’s no Hope of that.

Well, Pepe bought the whole hopey-changey schtick, lock, stock, and barrel. How do you call a gullible frenchie-pinko rube?

Mr roT said...

Pepe is no rube! He's the pinko with the trust fund and the Gucci loafers trying to give a shit about the overalls types.

Tecumseh said...

What a mental image! How do you picture the rest of Pepe's attire, to complete the picture?

Mr roT said...

You don't remember the indian chick's ex pontificating about the Tobin tax and all that hooey.