Tuesday, October 06, 2009

Matematica Mord: or, When a PP Jeremiah Confronts "Feynman"

Mr. Miles' opus is Chock Full of nice Jeremiahic moments, such as:

"Einstein had said, "You know, once you start calculating (with abstract mathematics) you shit yourself up before you know it." But suddenly, in 1912, he developed a fondness for this mess. Perhaps he saw darkly what Heisenberg would see very clearly: the 20th century would have a love affair with shit. The century proved this in every field, from art to math to science to war to politics to entertainment to sex. The century loved nothing so much as watching someone foul
himself in public"

Naturally, as he's full of shit, he'll get the girl.

1 comment:

Mr roT said...

cute bitch collar