Tuesday, September 06, 2011


"Barack Obama promised to cut the deficit in half, and instead he turned around and he tripled it," Palin said. Duh.


Mr roT said...


The Darkroom said...

Man that Obama dude is taking a hell of a long time to clean up Bush's mess. Hired help just ain't what it used to be and Afro-Americans were always lazy to start with. Now Michelle and Sarah talk the talk + they have jayzus on their side. It'd just be a picnic.

Mr roT said...

I thought Hopey was gonna make the whole world love us again.

Now you lowerin' da bar.

Hey, when you coming to Vienna? We can talk shit about Tecs and AA.

Tecumseh said...

Pepe's reply, translated from Pepespeak, and boiled down to its bare essence: "IT'S ALL BUSH'S FAULT!!!"


The Darkroom said...

Well - China loves you.

Tec's you do know this your reply to any criticism of anything dubbyah has ever done (or failed to), don't you ?

The Darkroom said...

I'll be in Vienna this spring baby.
And I am looking for a chalet to rent for xmas - Courmayeur/Mont Blanc looks great. Are we talking' ?

Mr roT said...

You going to Courmayeur? Whoa...we need to connive, man, bigtime. But chalets are for bums. You should stay here. I've never been in the building; they don't like smelly people with crampons on.

As to Vienna, a lot of the Spring I will be gone. Email me some dates when you get the chance.

The Darkroom said...

This place looks like a friggin' improved best western no - or is it just bad photographs ?

Chalets are great to hang out (we're 7 people), you make your own meals when you want, and you wipe your own ass. Plus in some stations, the architecture is beautiful (Mégève, Avoriaz, or Chamonix - opp to Courmayeur).

Where u b for jayzusfest ?

The Darkroom said...

Vienna is for Spring vacation (which is around easter 4/16 to 29).

The Darkroom said...

For Chamonix, this is what we're looking at. It'd be great to hang out with you though and we haven't signed the contract yet.

Mr roT said...

Dude, the 900 is quite a place. I doubt that any rent house can compete with a hotel like that. Also they can outcook you there unless you're bringing your personal chef along.

Incidentally, Chamonix is great, but Courmayeur is better, IMO. No McDonald's in Courmayeur, for example, and no Brit ski bums or French gays. No Irish bars. No Guinness vomit, ok, you get the idea.

We'll overlap in Vienna, very likely. This should be worthwhile. I am getting to know the Heuriger...

The Darkroom said...

Good ski in Chamonix ...

Arelcao Akleos said...

"Man that Obama dude is taking a hell of a long time to clean up Bush's mess"

If by "clean up" you mean taking a dumpster and transmogrifying it into Cairo's "City of Garbage" then Obamakles has done a magnificent job of Cleansing.

Tecumseh said...

Pepe is fond of quoting ad-literam from the collected speeches of Obama. Like, who else says "cleaning up Bush's mess"? I can't wait to hear more about the car in the ditch, slurpees, let me be clear, etc.

Mr roT said...

Yeah, I guess Chamx is better for skiing.

Tecumseh said...

As usual, Rot picks up on the really important point.

Mr roT said...

Have a Slurpee while Pepe and I drink something better up at the Aiguille d'Argentière.

Tecumseh said...

Been there, done that. Big deal.

The Darkroom said...

so, Tecs, what *is* a big deal ?

Tecumseh said...

A big deal would be to climb by foot to the top of the Mont Blanc. You guys do that, and then I'll be impressed. But taking the teleferique up a mountain to drink some booze in a chalet -- OK, it's fun, but doesn't count as "big deal" in my book.

Mr roT said...

Tecs, we three would all die if we tried to walk up the big hill.

But you'd die first...

Tecumseh said...

Well, OK, OK -- how about then you walk up the Aiguille du Midi, instead of taking the cable car? Do something, instead of being a couch potato and munching on peanuts while blogging.