Monday, September 05, 2011

Joys of burkha

Pepe's minions heckle the Ode to Joy in London, and a concert in Amsterdam. Way to go, Pepe.


The Darkroom said...

Way to go Yusuf: artistic expression is just a distraction from the path of the righteous. And fear not, you have allies in the most unlikely places.

Arelcao Akleos said...

Yup, the Old Lie. Christ=Muhammad.

The Darkroom said...

To the true cognoscenti a Big Mac is fundamentally different from a Double Whopper Cheese but to the rest it's all the same.

Tecumseh said...

By "all the rest" you mean intellectually challenged people who buy that kind of false analogy? Even someone with IQ at room temperature could see the sheer fallacy of that cheap pseudo-equality. But that would be too much to ask from Pepe. Be gentle, AA, you need to understand some people have trouble firing on all four cylinders.

The Darkroom said...

The sheer fallacy ?
Consider this: the whopper consists mostly of reconstituted unwashed pig intestines whereas, in the case of a Big Mac, all the evidence points to a synthetic polymer of high molecular mass. Chemically distinct perhaps, still both are certified instances of the worst type of MacMerde. On many levels, rarely does one ever hear a more fitting analogy.

The Darkroom said...

I only have sympathy for the people who are, one way or another, force-fed the abominations which you refer to as burgers, presumably because their shape is similar.

And I'll pass on the profit-margin boosting growth hormone-laden texan beef and stick to the business-unfriendly tax-payer subsidized grass-fed Limousin, thank you very much.

Mr roT said...

What's the French for "coprophage"?

When I was in France, the butcher suggested I get that stuff. He said "best een zee vurld."

Awful tasteless boot.

Tecumseh said...

French food is mostly hype. When you actually go their cafeterias and restaurants, and eat with normal people (not something Pepe in his pinko Versailles would do), it's actually pretty mundane, ranging from the slightly above average to the downright mediocre, with now-and-then something real good.

For instance, I had some Japanese food on Rue de Buci a couple of months ago. Neighborhood is supposed to be one of the culinary tops of Paris, no? Boy, the food was much below the cafeteria food I usually eat, and way, way below the fare I can find at the Japanese restaurant down the corner, at a lower price.

Pauvre gerbil...

Mr roT said...

Marseilles is a toilet.

The Darkroom said...

Ah so you just discovered cafeteria food is inedible and you had a bad jap meal (albeit in an area where there are good restaurants) ? There goes France's culinary reputation.

C'mon - give me something: name one place with a half-way decent rating in a serious culinary guide (i.e.: michelin/gault-millau - not a tourist guide) and in which you had a poor meal. (Yeah, you do have to spend more than a Hamilton) Mind you I'm sure it's possible but I'd like to know. Hey, I'll be nice, I won't fight you on the cafeteria food and the Kwickies on Champs Elysées.

Mr roT said...

By that test, Copenhagen is good, Pepe.

The Darkroom said...

Supposed to be the best there is. I doubt it but will go this winter and report.

Mr roT said...

I was there last Spring. It's what anyone normal would think it is.

The Darkroom said...

You ate there ?

Tecumseh said...

They have a more-or-less decent cafeteria here, but it's overpriced (like, 20 bucks for a meal, with water from the robinet). And the architecture is pure Socialist Realist/Bauhaus/HLM.

Mr roT said...

Nah, I didn't eat at Noma. Simon Schama was there comparing the frikadellen to a da Vinci, so I went to a straight place across the street.

You can't possibly want to go to un lugar de maricones like that, man. That's one meal you're not having BBQ...

The Darkroom said...

I dunno - there's gotta be a reason why it was considered the best restaurant in the world 2 years in a row.

>> the architecture is pure Socialist Realist/Bauhaus/HLM
I'll take Mondrian over the soul crushingly bland american suburban landscape any day of the year.

Tecumseh said...

Well, this Frenchie campus is also full of asbestos. Enjoy, Pepe.