Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Knuckledragging Neanderthal goes on an anti-iPad rant

Next page: Mr Rot morphs into a cry-baby, becomes an associate professor of semiotics and communication theory at Oberlin.


Charly said...

>>I unapologetically keep purchasing pieces-of-crap HP notebooks (at a clip of about one every two years, since that’s how often they fail me), just to annoy you and your Kool-Aid drinking iCatamites, to fly the middle finger of resistance in the face of your moony-eyed groupthink and technological triumphalism.

the thinking man's decision making process applied to shopping. A rare moment of resonance with roT.

Tecumseh said...

Are you using Macs. Charly? I thought all Frenchies use DOS machines, with some weird keyboards.