Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Meanwhile, Tecs' headachy heroine keeps up the Mediscare tactic

...along with others in Tecs' stable, Gingrich and Ned Romney.


Tecumseh said...

Of course, President Obama may be able to save himself without the entitlement issue (if, for example, he draws a flawed opponent).

Ah, don't worry, full speed ahead, and damn the torpedoes, says Herr "Mr Courageous" Rott, while sipping chilled chablis at the Sacher Café, and casting a benevolent eye from afar on the slightly exotic Ricain political scene.

Mr roT said...


Tecumseh said...

Oh. My. God. Didn't you vote for this guy when you were in Galveston, or thereabouts?