Tuesday, September 06, 2011

Mitt "Tecs Krikorian" Romney thinks he's got Perry runnin' askeered!

You was really gonna hit Perry-Rodriguez hard with yo' illegal immigration litmus test, eh?


Tecumseh said...

A trip down memory lane. Of course, Rot would like to put that into the memory hole.

Mr roT said...

Tecs for Ron Paul. It's back to the horseshit standard, you Bretton Woods Fascists!

Tecumseh said...

Ron Paul is nutty. But he's not stupid, and he's not one of those Johnny-come-latelies (wink, wink). As I recently found out, he was one of only 4 congressmen to come out in 1976 and support Ronnie in his presidential bid at the time. So OK, he went astray at some point, but to me that still means something.

Mr roT said...

When you're one of 4 out of 435, it's pretty clear that you're either an idiot or a genius.

Remember when Obama voted against raising the debt ceiling? Or when he voted against the Iraq war?

A real Tea Partier, Obama, eh?