Tuesday, September 06, 2011

Of course, Honecker was not a Stalinist, says Mr Rot


Arelcao Akleos said...

The only one from thereabouts Herr Rott dared call a Stalinist was Kronecker.

Mr roT said...

Huh? I thought Erich "Gimme Yer Papers" Honecker was your hero, Tecs.

Now you're railing against Ingvar as if he were some sort of Quisling.

Tecumseh said...

Back to equating the Stasi shooting people jumping over the Berlin Wall (to escape the Commie paradise), to Arizona cops trying to enforce the law and stem the unchecked flow of people crossing the border illegally (to get into the US) by asking for ID?

Same old, same old.

Tecumseh said...

(Asking for driver's license when pulling over someone)==(Stasi shooting young kids jumping over the Berlin Wall).

The problem is with this fake moral equivalence you keep pushing, over and over. If and when you grasp the point, we can talk about the nuances related to how the cops should go about doing their business, like checking on those IDs.

Tecumseh said...

What principle? Tell me where in the Constitution does it say the US should close its eyes on people who enter the country illegally, and then grant them all rights and privileges, when the first thing they did when entering this country was to break the law, in a big way?

And, incidentally, is there any other country in the world where the police is not allowed to ask for ID of suspected law-breakers? How about Italy? France? Austria? Germany? England? Spain? Or Mexico, for that matter? The parameters vary from country to country (eg, in Paris I had a couple of flics with Uzis nonchalantly pointed towards my belly ask for my papiers for no reason when I was ambling through Place Pigalle -- I showed them my stuff, big deal), but the idea is basically the same.

What's the principle, Mr Rot? Illuminate us hallucinogenic "nativists".

Mr roT said...

Look at the Will essay about unenumerated rights.

The Constitution is not everything, and before you and AA got into the country, it was pretty well understood what flies and what doesn't, without your help and without the help of World Net Daily either.

I don't give a damn about what French cops do. Let them line people up and shoot for all I care. But US cops have never asked me for any goddamned papers and if any does, he'll have to arrest me because I will tell him to shove his badge up his ass.

Tecumseh said...

That's the spirit, Mr Rot! But hey, when you coming back to mess up with those coppers? Far as I know, you're talking only theoretically about US matters -- kind of like Pepe. I'm talking practically, and with a contemporaneous understanding of things -- not from the Sacher Cafe or from the bar at Aiguille du Midi, remembering in a haze the good ole days from the 1990s.

Mr roT said...

Why don't you put all this to the test and invite me? Can't you guys sell off a bit of the gilded limo you use and buy me a flight?

Tecumseh said...

Last time I invited you, you turned me down--remember that? OK, OK, I'll try again. But be prepared to show your papers to the local policía if asked. Beefy Irish cops don't take kindly to your bs about probable cause and the like. Just ask your Schrödinger buddy from Floriduh.

Mr roT said...

He shouldn't have told the copper to shove the goddam bagel and give the lox and cream cheese to his mother.

Irish are terrible anti-Semites, especially when they're cops...

Hey, someone on a HuffPo board about abortion said that Ceaucescu was a Catholic. Is that right? How come he bulldozed all those churches then?

Tecumseh said...

They don't the foggiest idea what they're talking about at HuffPo.

Tecumseh said...

He was a godless commie atheist.

Mr roT said...

I would like better evidence than that, but it is what I figured...

Of course, you and AA stick up for commie shitheads...