Sunday, September 18, 2011

Pravda Planet Pepe and The Obamaklean One

Sycophancy was what it looked like on its moderate days.


Mr roT said...

If Obama was sacred , classy, intellectual and cosmopolitan, why then Palin must be malevolent, trashy, dumb and pure backwoods-ignorant.

Tecs coulda written that himself. Remember he got all upset when he thought Palin had gone to Rutgers and not Princeton?

Charly said...

If Palin isn't trashy, we might as well take the word out of the dictionary.

Tecumseh said...

And they averted their eyes from his every gaffe — such as the admission that he didn’t speak “Austrian.”

Me neither. But Rot does.

Yes, Palin can be trashy, in a rather annoying way. And she acts like a prissy diva at times. But she is not malevolent, and she is smarter than the average politico (which is perhaps faint praise). When she puts her mind to it, she can write pretty penetrating analysis of current affairs. Also, she can give an inspiring speech if she wants.

Arelcao Akleos said...

Palin "trashy"?? She is a genteel lady compared to the perfumed molls of Planet Pepe.
There is nothing trashier than an Aristo pretending to "class"

Charly said...

if you say so.

Charly said...

tecs - is "penetrating analysis of current affairs" a reference to mama bear analogies or to her understanding of on the foreign events unfolding in front of her window?

Arelcao Akleos said...


but then we'd no more expect an Aristo in his Paree to actually read what Palin has written than we'd expect Louis XIV to be less than dazzled by the brilliance of his image in that mirror of his vanity.

Charly said...

Given her inability to name anything written by anyone, combined with her deluge of asinine statements, not having read palin is unlikely to be any loss. The implication that she owns a word processor sounds like a good first step though. Go Sarah !

Mr roT said...

Pepe, what you're saying here is just wrong.

Her FB page is well-written and well-argued, sensible political philosophy much more coherent and less self-destructive than anything I have ever seen come from Obama's dumbass Ivy League coaching squad.

In fact, Obama's successfully quoting Edmund Burke to David Brooks (and thereby giving him a hardon) makes Obama stupider, because it means he can prattle on about the guy, apparently without having absorbed the message, given how he "rules."