Saturday, September 10, 2011

Smart power

More: Egypt is not going toward democracy but toward Islamicization. It is the same in Turkey and in Gaza. It is just like what happened in Iran in 1979.


Arelcao Akleos said...

As the "Arab Spring" unfolded it became clear that it was a move guided by Islam Militant to replace those within Islam who were judged not with the program on Islamic Militancy [Militant, but not Islamic, like Khadaffi, or Islamic, but not Militant, like Mubharak, was not good had to be both to get the carte blanche]. It is the long delayed shock from the original Islamic Revolution in Iran.....
...whatever poor suckers who actually believed it might bring in human rights and Democracy may have thought, it was a grand Pepean move to make the World safe for Mecca.
And at home, here in the USA, the bulk of the Establishment, from the House of Bush to the heart of Planet Pepe, have played a shameful role in this triumph of our mortal enemy.

Mr roT said...

Game's not over yet, unless Obama wins.

Arelcao Akleos said...

The Game's not over for Islam Militant, that is for sure.

Mr roT said...

Right. This will be another goddamned twilight struggle.