Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Tecs' hero: Especially contemptible

Duh. But Tecs thinks all this is just fine. Politics ain't beanbag, after all, and the point is to get idiots to vote for you, so say whatever it takes and then when you're in, you're in!


Tecumseh said...

I prefer Ryan's approach. He didn't bluster, he just chrurned the numbers, and put a reform-of-entitlements plan on paper, figures and all. Then he put it up for vote, and it passed the House. (Of course, he got vilified for that by Pepea, together with literal "throw grandma off the cliff" add).

Why not make the Ryan plan the official platform (modulo some tinkering if necessary), instead of this vacuous "Ponzi scheme" talk, that does nothing concrete?

In other words, let's draw a diagram that commutes (on the nose), instead of bs \lesssims.

Mr roT said...

He also is not running.

Tecumseh said...

He still may -- as VP candidate.

Mr roT said...

Romney/Ryan is a somewhat attractive scenario. Two bland guys might tone down some of the divisiveness. Perry would probably exacerbate it.

Tecumseh said...

How about Romney/Rubio? Also, why not take a second look at Santorum?

Tecumseh said...

Counterpoint: Santorum who, when last facing the electorate, lost reelection in his home state of Pennsylvania by 18 points.) Who, besides their wives, really knows why they are running? Ouchhh!

Mr roT said...

This guy really good!

Tecumseh said...

Yes. But then, how come he didn't run?