Saturday, September 17, 2011

Tecs now deeply confused...

McGuinness brings the hate world together in condemning him just like Bachmann (be still, Tecs' heart!) even gets Ron Paul saying her ideas are way out.
It's time for Tecs to take a breather.


Tecumseh said...

Are implying Bachmann is a stalking horse for Romney? Maybe in effect (and to some degree), but I'm pretty sure that's not her intent.

Mr roT said...

I think she's being so weird that she could be making Romney and Palin look better, at Perry's expense.

The middle-of-the-roader might think Bachmann and Perry are about the same, thinking, "They say way-out crap almost as bad as Ron Paul; pox on them all."

Maybe I am deeply confused. I've never seen such treachery among GOPers before Gingrich, Romney, and Bachmann started to punch other GOPers so hard.

I don't think anything good can come of this.

Tecumseh said...

Wait--I had the same feeling back in 2007, when everyone ganged up on Mitt. I wasn't particularly rooting for anyone at the time, but that kind of pissed me off.

And, if you think this race is tough, you shoulda seen the one in 1979-1980. It was pretty rough and tumble, with John Anderson (remember him?) eventually bolting the GOP to run as an independent. But the discussion was much more intelligent at time, with those various candidates chewing up Jimmah.

Finally, where did come up with the notion that "Gingrich started to punch other GOPers hard"? This is absurd on the face of it--no matter what you think of him, he's actually the only guy who did not trade any barbs, and who, in each debate, tried to steer back the discussion back to something more intelligent. (Cain has also been the gentleman in this affairs.)

Mr roT said...

Romney should be our guy, I guess, but there's no guarantee that he'll be anything but another Scott Brown in the WH, if he wins, and Brown is horrible.

BTW, you say that Romney's smart, Harvard, and got rich and all that, but you never manage to mention that his pop was a governor. You think he's got no family connections making the path to filthy lucre nice and slippery?

I have cousins that are long-time friends with a senator. Dunno why, but they're all in the money, big time. Must be that they're real smart (though they all flunked out of UT).

Newt went after Rightwingnutjob Adolf Ryan.

Don't you remember?

``Right-wing social engineering'' was his slobber.

You need pills, Tecs. You're losin it!

Tecumseh said...

Yes, Mitt is Papa's boy. What you gonna do about that?

Oh, forgot that Gingrich "social engineering" bs -- that was real bad. (So were, on a smaller scale, his flip-flps on Libya.) But he's been done since about then (definitely, once all his campaign staff resigned en masse), so I only pay attention to him insofar he comes up with good lines now and then. Maybe he's auditioning for Secretary or State or something? But Bolton would be better at that.

Tecumseh said...

Can we get back on track now? Of course, it's all Rot's fault we got side-tracked, but I say, let's be magnanimous, and forget about it.

If Republicans spend their time debating everything else but those issues and go galloping off on their own hobby horses, why should voters trust them to focus on their top issues after the election?
If this debate sticks to jobs and the economy, then Republicans win in 2012. If it sticks to Government Needle, we’re going to lose this election, and lose it badly.


Mr roT said...

You and Michelle are the ones slobbering about Gardasil and the brown peril, Tecs. I keep trying to tell you that this election is about creeping Communism, but you just load up and bitch that Perry likes mariachis.

Tecumseh said...

Isn't the Tonight Show supposed to be funny? But of course, all Mr Rot wants to talk about is HPV.

Johnny Carson weeps...

Mr roT said...

I think Bachmann is positively hilarious, particularly when I remember your taking her seriously.

Pepe has more sense than you sometimes! That's saying something.