Monday, September 26, 2011

Of course, Mr Rot thinks Warren is better, much better than Brown

Warren is also rejecting something very important to the American vision of government: the consent of the governed. Consent is meaningless without the implication of both willing agreement, and the right to withdraw consent.

This is a denial of the very concept of “private” property, in line with the tenets of Italian fascism, as expressed by Mussolini: “Everything inside the State, nothing outside the State.” No private citizen has any absolute right to “own” anything, because all things are achieved through the benevolence of the State. The government is part owner of everything.

Exactly what Scottie says. Perfect \lesssim in Rotter Calculus.
REGURGE: Moral equivalence, Rotter style.


Mr roT said...

They're twins. Hell with both of them.

Tecumseh said...

No, they're not. Brownie is a squishy RINO, that's all. She's an out-and-out statist/redistributionist. Not that you'd recognize the type if it hit you in the face.

Tecumseh said...

What Elizabeth Warren is trying to do, then, is bring this Third World mentality to America. "Nobody in this country ever got rich on their own. Nobody!" "You only made it because of the rest of us." Which is to say, "You owe us, buddy -- big time."

Principles of Pepean thought, in a nutshell. Look at benevolently by Der Rotter, who sees no difference between this and benign squishy RINO fare.

Les grands esprits se rencontrent.

Mr roT said...

We're all Greeks.

Tecumseh said...

Not in spirit. Perhaps.