Thursday, September 22, 2011

What did you say about moving to a civilized country?


Mr roT said...

Years of right-wingers and Christianists in charge of public education do this.

Tecumseh said...

Where is the "Palau" label?

Charly said...

The fruits of taxophobia: Generations without access to education do this.

Tecumseh said...

Charly: Evidently, you didn't learn how to read statistics when you were in Berkeley. I know, it's more fun to pig out at Chez Panisse than trying to use those brain synapses to form a coherent thought.

So let me digest things for you in simple terms: according to these figures from the OCLC (admittedly, rather dated, but hey, you can google for newer stuff if you put your mind to it) the United States in 2001 spent $500 billion a year on education (at federal, state, local level), or 4.8% of GDP, or $1,780 per capita -- way ahead, of, say, France.

But, in typically pinko "thought", this is not nearly enough money being spent on education, and generations of Americans are left behind due to the greed of those damn tea partying kkkapitalist Ricains, who cannot grasp the glaring superiority of the splendid caviar socialism peddled by the philosophes manqués of the Rive Gauche.

Tecumseh said...

I know you'd have trouble googling this, so here are the latest data on education spending in the US: $809.6 billion per year, $7,743 per child per year (with 99% literacy).

Of course, figures don't mean anything to the pinko mind. All there is there: a half-baked ideology, and touchy-feely "feelings", immune to logic or data or evidence.