Friday, September 09, 2011

Yet another nativist traitor to Planet Rott

Laura: "I asked you about Rick Perry's approach to immigration. Is his approach, including that DREAM Act, something that we should be pursuing nationally and is it something that you support?"

Martinez: "No, I don't. It is not comprehensive reform to put people who are here illegally, who violated the law, and put them in front of the line for those folks who have been waiting and doing all the right things to come to the United States, to come here legally, and/or to become a citizen. We cannot allow those folks to just jump the line."

REGURGE: Deport the governor!


Mr roT said...

Pandering to Bubba. Tecs responds.

Charly said...

Scapegoating. Pepe snores.

Tecumseh said...

Doing the right thing. Rot and Pepe recoil in horror. Duhh.

Tecumseh said...

Regurge: it's called idée fixe by shrinks. I was told there used to be an old man in Vienna with a white goatee who knew something or another about this.