Thursday, April 05, 2007

..but you can leave your hijab on...

For the foreigners to get my ref. Hey, MFT, your band play this? You might get gigs in stripjoints.


My Frontier Thesis said...

We already gig in stripjoints. What are you talking about?

Mr roT said...


My Frontier Thesis said...

I'll elaborate: in a previous band I drummed for, we played at "The Silver Dollar" on mainstreet in Mandan, ND, twice. Two months prior, The Silver Dollar had "exotic" dancers -- pretty awful in a sleazy biker "soiled-doves" sort of way. Mandan City Council made it illegal for such debauchery to continue, so to compensate (financially; and bring in crowds) the Silver Dollar began bringing in bands to play where the strippers used to get their groove on. That's where we played. It's total sleaze, JJ. There are few people who order any type of drink that requires the use of the establishment's glasswear.

Mr roT said...

Sounds safer that way! The glassware is likely washed quarterly.