Wednesday, April 04, 2007

A Genuine Liberal Muslim goes Neocon on Pelosi's Ass

So, what are the odds the D of PP prefers such to his CAIRnucopia full of Saddams, Kadhafis, Bung Binnies and Mad Jads?


Tecumseh said...

Pelosi in Hajib is a perfect summary of the "Liberal Mind" gone over the edge. We need an NIH grant to the study the Lefty crackup.

Arelcao Akleos said...

But it would take Billions to get Regressions from her Scatterplot.

Tecumseh said...

Surprise endorsement!

Mr roT said...

I was impressed this morning by something. On the torturous NPR Morning Edition some NPR bimbo made the mistake of asking a Lebanese prof of hHistory to comment on things in the Middle East. He went through the usual drill about George Bush's ineptitude and quagmire..., but when NPR's deep-thinking peppy tomato asked about Pelosi, the guy got angry and bitter and said that if there was one thing on which Bush was right, it was that Pelosi's trip was reintroducing Syria to the international community exactly when it was being justly isolated.

I thought the NPR broad was going to have to pull her thong out at that point. It was the last point in the interview, and that was valuable in itself.

What it got e thinking about is whether thisprof's views might be common.

What if many Arabs think Bush is right when he is knocking off and pressuring enemies but they are unhappy he isn't doing enough for them.

This is different than the Bushitler trope we hear from Planet Brzezinsky.

Just a thought.

Mr roT said...

Where's my VCP?

Tecumseh said...

An interesting hypothesis -- about 2% chance of being right, give or take. How would you go about proving it, based on a sample of 1?

And, by the way, what does "pulling her thong" mean? I thought the correct expression is "pulling her hair".

Arelcao Akleos said...

"What if many Arabs think Bush is right when he is knocking off and pressuring enemies but they are unhappy he isn't doing enough for them."

An interesting point JJ. I've heard this from a number of people from the Middle East the last few years....but they tend to say it sotto voce [spelling?] as if not sure they want to face the reaction for saying it loudly. It's sort of a near silent "fifth column" on our side, not really daring to raise its head nor omit too much of the required rhetoric but still hoping that we would actually do the Neocon thing [here meant purely politically, no euphemism for Jew.] That is, we would put bite into our talk of democracy, human rights, equality under the law, etc..... and just in general be openly on the side of a liberal Islam that could be modern, humane, and live in peace with nonIslam.

I have to think that many of these, such as the professor you mentioned, are very bitter by now. More bitter than we!
In a sense they have failed themselves by hoping to sit back in hiding while the Yanks did the dirty work, when their open support would have gone far to help the Yanks in doing that work. On the other hand, they could never in their worst nightmares, I imagine, have conceived of the Leftwing West being so at odds with a genuine liberalism as to make common cause with the common enemy. Yet it has, and the Yanks are in serious danger of being fucked now for it, and so then are all those who sought to ride our horse invisibly.

In hundreds of years, when serious and sober historians are not sent to exile in the high cold plains, they will look back on this time, I suspect, with the same confounded incredulity at the madness of the race as we do when we looking back at the collapse of the Mayan civilization or the Imperial dreams of King Leopold.

My Frontier Thesis said...

In hundreds of years, when serious and sober historians are not sent to exile in the high cold plains...

What's wrong with the plains?

Arelcao Akleos said...

nothing wrong with Siberia, as long as one isn't forced to be there against one's will. It's the "exile" that is the problem.

Arelcao Akleos said...

plain spoken :)

My Frontier Thesis said...

I wondered if that was a jab at the upper Plains of North America. Thanks for the clarification. We're doing just fine on our cold, desolate terra.

Tecumseh said...

On the other hand, they could never in their worst nightmares, I imagine, have conceived of the Leftwing West being so at odds with a genuine liberalism as to make common cause with the common enemy. Yet it has.

Eloquently put, AA -- but why would that have come as a surprise? The Hard Left has been fighting toooth and nail to destroy Western Civ for over 150 years now -- it's their raison d'etre, by definition (just look at Das Kapital, what passes for their Bible). Perhaps what could have come as a surprise of sorts is the attitude of the squishy, Versaillist Left (and even parts of the squishy-smarmy "Right", as in Chirac-de Villepin). But, given how they've been at it for more than 40 years now (certainly since the Vietnam War, when they first tasted the fruits of fucking Uncle Same to the great delight of Uncle Ho), the Hanoi Janes of this world have been doing this crap consistently. You gotta give them that, yes? Let's be generous, and give credit where credit is due.

Mr roT said...

AA, you bring an interesting point. Their closet support is too fearful to come out and help tip the balance.
The only ones so far to have real guts are the Kurds and (some) Lebanese.
Most people seem to want just enough peace so that they can tut-tut and say too bad about Ahmed across the street. We'd better keep our mouths shut.
Happens the same in a dumb job where your dictatorial overlords have the little chickens under so frightened that they don't speak up at idiocy.
Of course the consequences are different. No moral equation here.
But it's funny that you and I have both gotten shafted several times because of big mouths or at least not clapping loudly enough at the appropriate hangings.

My Frontier Thesis said...

Happens the same in a dumb job where your dictatorial overlords have the little chickens under so frightened that they don't speak up at idiocy.

Secretly circulate copies of Thus Spoke Zarathustra.

Mr roT said...

No, I prefer the Hegel proving there's no Pluto. The Nietzsche convinces those that look at the Cliff's Notes that they are the supermen and that's why they're in charge.
In a way they're right. Loose lips sink ships after all.

Mr roT said...

I'm talking about the chiefs at my college. They are certainly capable of reading the Cliff's Notes and then putting an lovely, worn paperback Nietzsche on their bookshelves.

Usually, they are content to parrot Renee Montaigne's infantile blatherings on All Things Considered the day before.

My Frontier Thesis said...

Oh. My mistake. What a sad use of Nietzsche, and even a bookshelf. I suppose the profs sound and look smarter though. I've only read Kaufmann's biography of the man, and have digested the Viking portable library and most of the Modern Library collection of Nietzsche writings. I have a couple other bios on the shelf, but they'll have to wait until I'm finished with some more urgent matters on the desk. Besides, it's silly to try and rush through Nietzsche as one of his aphorisms is enough food for a week's worth of thought.

Mr roT said...

You sure the profs sound smarter?