Wednesday, April 04, 2007


One wonders where this story would be today, had the powers that be followed the neo-connard approach advocated here.


My Frontier Thesis said...

Yeah, the resolution reminds me of the Chamberlain approach to dealing with the fuhrer. At least it worked in the short-run. Now we'll have to wait and see what happens in the next six months.

Pepe le Pew said...

The hostages are alive and major disaster has been avoided: I think the fundamentals are here. In contrast, had we followed the aa/ai/rha-rha-rha/don'tfuckwithus approach, the hostages would be dead and you'd be up to your necks with another unmanageable conflict. Sometimes i wonder who are those that truly "support the troops". There is a willingness to sacrifice them for ideological reasons that doesn't quite square with what reason would consider true support (But then, I am a rabid foaming at the mouth marxo-stalino-polpot-loving-baby-eating commie so I probably have it all wrong).

My Frontier Thesis said...

I think the fundamentals are here. In contrast, had we followed the aa/ai/rha-rha-rha/don'tfuckwithus approach, the hostages would be dead and you'd be up to your necks with another unmanageable conflict.

That's impossible to assert or prove, Pepe. Sounds like a plot for a fictional "best-seller."

We'll have to see what wild moves Tehran has in store for the world next.

You know the Brits weren't in Iranian waters. Even the Iranians knew.

Do you sit on dissertation or thesis committees? If the student defending fabricates a false-truth to validate a theory, how do you respond? With Hume, or Foucault in mind? I'm supposing the latter, but I don't want to put words in your mouth.

Interesting methods they have down in New Orleans and California (or portions of California). We tend to run a little different show -- called Empiricism -- with our provincial Arts and Sciences programs up here in the Dakotas.

So it goes, so it goes.

Pepe le Pew said...

You know the Brits weren't in Iranian waters. Even the Iranians knew.
Yeah, the iranians really made fools of themselves with their switch of coordinates (did you follow it- it was almost comical?).

That's impossible to assert or prove, Pepe. Let's call it a likely scenario, then.

We'll have to see what wild moves Tehran has in store for the world next. yeah, but so far, so good.

If the student defending fabricates a false-truth to validate a theory, how do you respond?
You mean makes up the data ? There was an english masters student who went to mexico on U funds, drank the money partying with sen~oritas, and made up data by sampling a simple harmonic function without even adding noise! His end was brutal, but what a laugh we had. But i digress...

Interesting methods they have down in New Orleans and California (or portions of California). We tend to run a little different show -- called Empiricism --
you are losing me.

Arelcao Akleos said...

PP said: "Y"eah, the iranians really made fools of themselves with their switch of coordinates (did you follow it- it was almost comical?)."

It is always Qomical in Iran

PP said: . "Let's call it a likely scenario, then."

Uh, let's not. Just call it a scenario if you're not going to justify your likelihood function

MFT: "We'll have to see what wild moves Tehran has in store for the world next"

.PP " yeah, but so far, so good."
Appeasement prides itself on the those good minutes fresh after its latest Munich

"you are losing me"

A shocking tragedy

My Frontier Thesis said...


Seriously, you don't understand the connections I was making? I'm not asking you to agree with them, but at least understand them.

In short: Tehran lied about the coordinates of the British Navy, and used these lies to take the blokes hostage. The Left understands this, admits this, but says, "Oh, we have to really be careful now so as not to piss off Iran." To run the analogy, at this point Iran was the grad student returned from Mexico, fresh with fabricated data and a rather lousy thesis statement. If the Dissertation Committee acted like the Left acted towards Tehran, then the said Committee would cow to the grad student so as "not instigate further aggression from the grad student [or Tehran]." Transparent now?