Thursday, April 05, 2007

The WaPo Fucks Not Gently

Try again, Nancy. Teheran is not far and Pyongyang is a nice trip from San Francisco.


Tecumseh said...

Wow! This from the WaPo? Quick, where are my fainting salts? So, who's gonna defend la Pelosi's forray into foreign diplomacy, besides the yellow-dog pinkolistas?

Mr roT said...

Yeah, really. NYT has a different take for the distilled Kool-Aid crowd, but there's some grumbling between the lines, I want to perceive.

Tecumseh said...

Where's the grumbling between the lines? All I can see is the straight Party Line from the NYT. JJ, pretty soon you'll sound like those Kremlinologists of yore, staring at the lineup on top of the Lenin Mausoleum, and blowing wind about the supposed doves among them. Well, in hindsight, there was a better chance to actually find a semi-dove such as Gorbachev, than a semi-non-pinko at the gray lady. Or, for that matter, a snowball in hell.

Mr roT said...

You think the tea reading classes aren't going so good, AI?