Saturday, February 16, 2008

Deep thinking about Obama

From your random Canuck: To be black and catapulting towards the presidency on charm, intellect, and popularity is unacceptable to the racist paranoid and scary in America the beautiful… They do not want to hear that he is a better American than they are, these right-wing extremist fascists in the land of America who no doubt believe it’s God’s will Barack Obama not get to the White House, no method of deterrence out of bounds, in their zealotry to protect and perpetuate Roy Rogers, John Wayne, Mom's apple pie, and the cross of Jesus in every home.


Mr roT said...

Wow! Steyn is on today!

BTW, look how he was edited here.

Tecumseh said...

This could be a second souffle for Steyn & Co. Bitching about Hillbilly is getting boring -- we need new blood. Obama by himself does not really provide juicy material, but all the raptured sycophants who lap it up (hook, line, and sinker) do.

The OCR version looks like a pale copy of NRO's. They haven't heard of italics, hyperlinks, etc?

Arelcao Akleos said...

"Obama, the Jimmy of the New Jerusalem, Inshallah"

His campaign in a nutshell