Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Generalissimo Castro is still dead

And CNN lays out the Pepean line on how to report the news on l'Infidel Castré. [I don't have a pic of Castro with some CNN type -- Dan Rather will do. They're all birds of the same feather, after all.]


Mr roT said...

Not that bad, really. She didn't say to avoid talking about dissidents being penned up. Check this out.

Not sure what your criticism is. You want them to say over and over again that Fidel was a killer? Allison doesn't say not to say that. Must she say to say it?

My Frontier Thesis said...

Post-Castro Planning Committee.

Tecumseh said...

How 'bout saying Castro was a pinko commie? Taranto also picks on this angle.

Tecumseh said...


Mr roT said...

So I guess it was writing in an adversaial paper (Communist Party organ Granma) that Castro (or an assistant) announced his retirement?
CNN did nothing wrong in this memo.

Tecumseh said...

"Wrong"? They do whatever they want, it's a free country. But I'm also free to puke when I read their apologia for commie dictators. Fair enough? BTW, here is more about the Castro News Network's coverage of their favorite caudillo.

Mr roT said...

Of course you can puke at whatever you want. But if they are there to report the news, it seems to me tat they should rightly report successes that Castro has brought to Cuba as well as the fact that he's a commie. In fact as far as anti-communism is concerned, his successes would better be dissociated than associated with his communism.

The fact of the matter is that Cuba is a lot better off than a lot of Latin America and that includes US client states.

Even countries that had a chance there with plenty of natural resources and European culture like Brazil and Argentina have had a load of bloody dictators and putsches.

So we should hate Castro, particularly, because of adventures in Angola?