Saturday, February 16, 2008

Warming up the car

Is a stoopid idea. If you wanna make out in there, like DeCaprio and Kate Winslet, let the body heat warm it up, instead.


Arelcao Akleos said...

Forget DeCaprio, and let's just stick with car burner Kate.

Mr roT said...

These are Texans moved north. Here there seems nohing more fun than sitting in a parking lot with the a/c on listening to he radio. Sometimes it suffices to perform this without company or alcohol.

And to think I hated Massachusettsienses just a it back...

Tecumseh said...

Then they go back home, and start acting up like Al Gore on meth, fuming about global warming. Why not simply turn off the engine, and walk around, instead? We'd all cool off quickly.