Monday, February 18, 2008

Yale vs Harvard Law School

All those rich lawyers posing as Tribunes of the People--the schtick leaves me cold. VDH (who's ramping back up to form) gets it just right.


Arelcao Akleos said...

A pox on both their houses

Tecumseh said...

There should be a ban on lawyers running for President. I mean -- except for Honest Abe, was there ever a good one? I'll take anyone -- a soldier, a businessman, an actor, a football player (well, except a peanut farmer) -- over some fork-tongued shyster. There are just too many of them.

Shyster said...

I'm fine with lawyers running for President. "We are a nation of laws, not of men." We're not all shysters, and only the good ones are fork-tongued, and then only when we choose to be. Oh, and as to a football player for President, how about Byron White?

My Frontier Thesis said...

The closer to the election, the more absolutist the statements from the respective parties.

Do you really mean lawyers should be banned AI?

More lawyers means a broader demographic actually understands these goddamned laws. There will always be shysters whether they are from a school of law, a department of history, philology, mathematics, physics, or medicine (and on and on).

Anyhow, VDH is taking the approach whereby he ascribes Ivy League-ness to a politician he doesn't like. But while my vote won't go to Obama, VDH is going to have to come up with something better than the "I was born with a plastic spoon in my mouth so listen to me" mantra. I won't accept that bullshit line from Bill Maher, O'Reilly, or Michael Moore, and VDH gets the same methodology.
