Friday, September 16, 2011

Saving Socrates For Old Time's (aka, Xenophone and Aristophanes) Sake

Follow the link, gents. A good one here.


Mr roT said...

...7th century BCE; the latest, the Anglo-Saxon monk Bede, wrote in the 7th century CE.

Whut's dat CE sheeit? Before the Cawmniss Era?

Mr roT said...

You're right, MFT. Very cool article.

Charly said...

where's the foreign/gay tag ?
Hey MFT, been a while - good to hear from you.

Tecumseh said...

BCE/CE: That's Pepe-speak for BC/AD. Surely must be something politically correct and multi-culti and all, but I have no idea what it stands for.

Charly said...

Before common era. get sbj out of the equation.

Mr roT said...

Why "common"? Because Jesus is common to all civilized people or because only commoners care about Jesus and the few washed only are interested in sodomy?

Tecumseh said...

Just because pinkos don't like the reason Anno Domini 1 was set to be when it is. So they invented some make-believe term for it.

But, as the old proverb says, Câinii latră, caravana trece. Or, translated into English, the dogs bark, but the caravan goes on.