Tuesday, September 13, 2011

The Weiner seat

As of now: Turner 53%, Weprin 47%. AP declares Turner the winner. As for Nevada, it's Amodei by 57%-37%. A bad hair day for Pepe. SOBs 2 - Hoffa 0.


Charly said...

the only civilized part of the us goes tea bagging. it was definitely time to leave.

Tecumseh said...

Tea bagging is your specialty, Charly. The Tea Party is into pushing back against socialism, the only system you can imagine.

Charly said...

uh-huh. if socialism is what's left of santorum, i'm a hard core commie alright.

Tecumseh said...

You don't define a political system by picking random politico's names, and measuring against such a flimsy yardstick -- that's your typical kindergarten-level understanding of politics, or economic systems, that apparently consists of half-digested pidgin marxism.

Mr roT said...

Charly, that's about the weakest "counterexample" I have ever read!

Mr roT said...

Tecs, hit restart on that computer...

Tecumseh said...

You don't dig my "pidgin marxism" reference? OK, so what's a more touchy-feely way to put it, so as to not to offend Charly's tender sensibilities?

Mr roT said...

I don't get it. Pidgin is like Chinese, no? BTW, the title is genius.

Charly said...

ok tecs. given that you understand me far better than I do, could you educate me and describe the form of socialism that I espouse ?

Tecumseh said...

A wild guess: caviar socialism. Will vote for DSK.

Tecumseh said...

"Pidgin Marxism" is like, Marxism for dummies -- boiled down to a short list of slogans that even kids smoking pot can easily regurgitate.

Charly said...

vote for dsk and pig out on beluga - that's the socialist platform as you understand it?

Tecumseh said...

Right on. Is there more to it?