Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Belying JJ's point

Thus spake JJ: "If anyone could be bamed it would be those that read this Korean madman's ivcious and violent plays and didn't indicate to the authorities that there just might be a teensy-weensy problem in his head." Methinks the problem was not with people not drawing attention to the authorities. But rather (as happened on 9/11), with the authorities not paying attention to the info, and not drawing the appropriate conclusions. And this is not some bs exercise -- people die because of such screwups. And the one who screw up never, ever admit their errors -- thus, they never get corrected.


Mr roT said...

Wow! I stand corrected! What was your point again??

Oh, let me make it for you then, if possible:

"He was a loner, and we're having difficulty finding information about him," school spokesman Larry Hincker said.

Seems Larry Hincker's still around:Virginia Tech a public one; and Virginia law prohibits guns on campus. Early last year there was an effort in the state Legislature to change that law, but it died in committee. As the Roanoke Times reported at the time:

Virginia Tech spokesman Larry Hincker was happy to hear the bill was defeated. "I'm sure the university community is appreciative of the General Assembly's actions because this will help parents, students, faculty and visitors feel safe on our campus."

This last from Taranto.

Was that your point or was it just to grieve over this some more and impotently rage?

Tecumseh said...

My point was (and is) that there is such thing as individual responsibility. And that authorities screwed up big time (much more than, say, Columbine, where there was not much that could have been done). And so I don't want their sorry asses covered, but I want their feet kept to the fire. Is that point too obscure for you, JJ?

Tecumseh said...

Don't worry, be happy. The typical attitude.

Mr roT said...

Hmmm. Lucinda Roy. Now where have I heard that name? (Look in the comments, link is marked "NYT".
So you really want to trust some English prof to single out, say, quiet sons of immigrant parents with strict religious principles? Or how about have a ton more school psychologists running around giving free and legally binding diagnoses...?
Sounds like a nightmare. Gimme the bullets.

My Frontier Thesis said...

In a society that touts Individual Responsibility, the cops sure screwed up. But what about everyone else who cowered (save a few who barricaded doors and such, some sacrificing their lives) after watching this kid methodically go from student to student and execute them? You'd think after about a dozen students were shot in the head, others might think it appropriate to swarm this kid. Right?

There's my Monday Morning Quarterback contribution.

Tecumseh said...

Good question, MFT. Where were the Todd Beamers at VT? I thought this was a school for cadets, too, yes? Is this how the new generation of cadets is trained to defend us -- by meekly submitting to the bullets to the head of some punk, going execution-style one by one from room to room? We are truly fokked.

Arelcao Akleos said...

So is JJ's point that it's silly to carry a weapon because we can trust the coppers to do right by us, just like in ol Virginee?

Mr roT said...

No, AI. That's VMI. For Virginia Military Institute.

Arelcao Akleos said...

Perhaps AI was thinking of College Station?

Tecumseh said...

JJ, AA: You're both so wrong, I don't know whether to laugh, or to cry. Just look it up. So where is my case of Arrogant Bastard?

Arelcao Akleos said...

Congrats AI, I guess VT is like TAMU after all. Will you settle for some Sagres or Vasco da Gama at a Portuguese restaurant?

Tecumseh said...

Sounds delicious -- OK, I'll take you on your word next time I'm up there on the upper Left Coast. As for JJ, I gave up a long time ago on him ever coming clean with his tab -- may as well wait for Godot.

My Frontier Thesis said...

That Professor from Israel was true at the very end. When I hear stories such as that, I want to believe in a better metaphysical place that the secular good can transcend to.