Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Keystone Kops

Reminds me of the sniper investigation.


Tecumseh said...

The CYA brigade goes up in full mode. Will JJ buy it, hook, line, and sinker?

At the time of the dormitory shootings, Col. W. Steven Flaherty, the superintendent of the Virginia State Police, said, “There was certainly no evidence or no reason to think that there was anyone else at that particular point in time.”

State officials continued to defend the actions of the campus authorities. John W. Marshall, the Virginia secretary of public safety, said Charles W. Steger, the president of Virginia Tech, and Chief Wendell Flinchum of the campus police “made the right decisions based on the best information that they had available at the time.”

Mr roT said...

What would you have done, AI?

Mr roT said...

BTW, it's nice to see that the main thrust of your opinion seems to have drifted from advocating universal armament, through an obligatory Coandizing through to a criticism (let's not outright call it a Monday-morning quarterbacking) of the campus cops. Did my asking what exactly you are packing have an effect?

Tecumseh said...

I think I've been 100% consistent throughout -- and also consistent with my reaction to another massacre, on 9/11. Namely, I want the governement and authorities -- to whom I entrust my safety -- to do their job. And, when they screw up, I want an acvcounting, not just pap whitewashing, of the "don't worry, be happy" sort. And you, JJ, have been consistent in the opposite point of view. I don't see how you could have changed my view by your arguments -- perhaps only help me crystallize mine, by providing a useful foil.

It's a bit like when I ask for directions when driving: when my wife says turn left, I know with 95% certainty I need to turn right.

Arelcao Akleos said...

JJ asked AI "what would you have done?"
Answering this question for myself, two things come immediately to mind that would, I hope, be utterly uncontroversial. First, announce publically that there had been a shooting on campus, that the shooter was still at large, and to stay off campus, or stay put in a safe place, until a further announcement. By announce publically I mean not only e-mail, for cruds sake, but radio station bulletins, loudspeaker announcements where possible, and signs posted on all building and walkways.
Second, put armed guards in every building while the killer was still at large.
Simple prudence.
It is precisely because we cannot expect even that modicum of responsible action that we have the right to invoke the 2nd amendment in our own self defense.
The authorities are excellent at examining the dead and crafting any line other than "the buck stops here"

Mr roT said...

Fine. But A I Sheehan was talking up some idea that gun control was somehow to blame.

Tecumseh said...

AA: I've been saying all along (just go back and look at my posts, don't pay attention to JJ's tendentious reinterpretations of my words) that the first thing to do in a situation like this is to sound the goddamn alarm -- no ifs or buts or maybes or scratching the family jewels or conclaves with the psychiatrists and lawers and PC gurus and JJ don't worry be happy types -- just use your hindbrain and push the effing panic button!! And I mean, don't write goddamn stupid email messages, or text messages (what the hell is that?) or namby-pamby pinky stuff -- just sound the alarm as during the Blitz, when the Krauts use to come over the channel. I mean, don't they still have those things on top of buildings, from the Red Scare days (you know, when the damn Russkies would threaten to send their bombers with A-bomb, and the cigar-chomping defenders of the faith were ready to go fight mano-a-mano with their own bombers over Siberia?)

OK, where was I? I'm digressing, perhaps. Yes, sound the damn alarm when there is a murder on campus -- is that rocket science for you, JJ?

Mr roT said...

You sound about like Cho and Rosenblum, AI.

Tecumseh said...

Yeah, yeah -- whatever, dude.