Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Gorebal Warming Revisited

Excerpt: The selective publication of only those articles that match with the environmentalist ideology is dogmatism because they wish to compel their ideas through the authority and power that they wield on the diffusion of science. What they try to achieve is to hide the truth from the public comprehension pretending that there is a scientific “consensus” on the anthropogenic origin of the Climate Fluctuations. It is not futile to say that there is not any “scientific consensus” and that we do not acquire the true knowledge of the nature’s events (science) by “consensus”.


Mr roT said...

Yikes! This site is a bit on the pot calling the kettle black side! Look at this gibbberish here.
I don't doubt these guys' conclusions to the effect that Gore is a wacko, but their knowledge of science is lacking.
Once AI sent some Objectivist (Ayn Rand's idiotarians) nonsense about the 'problems' in quantum mechanics. It was hilarious. That they delve into politics on roughly my side only worries me.
Reminds me of the SS major on Hogan's Heroes (or was it Gen Burkhader?) that would say,"Stop agreeing with me Klink. You're undermining my confidence."

My Frontier Thesis said...

The strength and weakness of the internet (wiki included): Anyone can put up anything on it.

Somewhat related, have you heard about another site that's being developed by the wiki guys, but the moderators of the site are required to be professionals in the field/subject/discipline they contribute to?

Mr roT said...

I thought wiki had these requirements but contribs lied to get in. What is it you're talking about if not wiki itself?

My Frontier Thesis said...

I can't remember the actual site. I heard about it on the radio while driving home from work a couple weeks back. I'm not tech-savy which means I didn't have a PDA or cellphone to look it up with while driving. I'll try to locate it. Supposedly this new wiki variation would be more rigorous in what they let in.

My Frontier Thesis said...

JJ, this might be the Wikia I heard about.