Sunday, April 15, 2007

Planet Pepe against le Meteque

The vitriol continued to flow Friday, with Royal accusing Sarkozy's Union for a Popular Movement party of "secretly negotiating" with Le Pen's camp. In public, at least, Le Pen has lashed out at Sarkozy, criticizing him last week as "the candidate of immigrant background. I am the candidate of French soil." Sarkozy's father was a Hungarian immigrant, while his maternal grandfather was of Jewish-Greek background.


Pepe le Pew said...

Sarkozy un meteque ? Arguably, he isn't enough of one.

Tecumseh said...

That's what Le Pen says, pretty much in as many words. The Rive Gauchistes must think the same thing, but say it only sotto voce.

Pepe le Pew said...

Does le Pen think anyone isn't enough of a meteque ??? Boy, he's changed.

Tecumseh said...

As the man says,

Avec ma gueule de métèque
De juif errant, de pâtre grec
Et mes cheveux aux quatre vents
Avec mes yeux tout délavés
Qui me donnent l'air de rêver
Moi qui ne rêve plus souvent
Avec mes mains de maraudeur
De musicien et de rôdeur
Qui ont pillé tant de jardins
Avec ma bouche qui a bu
Qui a embrassé et mordu
Sans jamais assouvir sa faim

Pepe le Pew said...

The man is moustaki and i fail to see what that poetic genius has to do with the pathetic sarko.

Pepe le Pew said...

ai - le pen sees sarko as a threat because of the similarity between their rhetoric: both are milking fear of insecurity in a way that would make cheney proud and their is no question that much of Sarko's voite would otherwise go to le pen.

Tecumseh said...

Looks to me the French have got some real reasons to be nervous. But of course, the Left just puts its collective head up its arse, and airily dismisses any opinion to the contrary as "fear of insecurity" (that's the mildest putdown of the stoopid masses, I'm sure there are others).

My Frontier Thesis said...

No worries, AI. The U.S. is constantly building better amphibious military vehicles in anticipation of the need for the next Allied invasion.

Arelcao Akleos said...

The D of PP is affronted that a "Neocon" dares pretend to be French? Another cock tail party in Versailles issues its wisdom