Sunday, August 31, 2008

AI, Who's the tomato?

All you wrote was "Certainly the daughter," here. Nice sentence, Safire. Is this Sarah Palin's daughter?
[Add an example of "B-52" beehive hairdo, for JJ's edification. --AI]


Tecumseh said...

First, I said, Also, how about that beehive hairdo? I mean, even Barbara Bush has a more "in" look than that! Here, I was referring to Mama Bush (W's mom). Then I said, Certainly the daughter. Here I was referring to one of W's daughters, also named Barbara. Jeepers, JJ, I have to explain everything to you! Do I earn a sixpack?

Mr roT said...

A couple questions:

1) Are you saying that this woman is Jenna's grandmother?? Jesus, she's in great shape for being like 70. Those patrician old bats age well drinking the blood of the working men's children.

2) The headline of the link you give says Barbara Pierce Bush. So does that mean that this 70-year-old GMILF puts her dick in GWB or in GHWB like Kayla?

I have never been so confused in my life. If only you damned foreigners would use good grammar, you would be understandable.

Tecumseh said...

JJ, JJ -- you had one too many hurricane drinks tonight. And, you're thinking too much of that bimbo with big boobs and the beehive hairdo. Try a nice cold shower, and then we talk.

Tecumseh said...

But, to help put your mind to rest: what I was saying -- in perfect English -- is that both Barbara Bush Sr and Barbara Bush Jr have a more "in" look with their hairdo than the B-52 hairstyle you are so enamored of.

Mr roT said...

Never out of style, infidel.

Tecumseh said...

Well, if you wear Tiffany diamonds, instead of chewing on caribou meat, perhaps. And, by the way, Princess Leia's bun beat Audrey Hepburn's beehive as best movie hairdo ever. Powwww!!!

Mr roT said...

Carrie Fisher had more boob on her. Still, Audrey is the classic of classics.

Tecumseh said...

I won't dispute that. But I lost track -- where are we in all that?

Changing tacks a bit -- what the heck is Palin going to talk about at the RNC? I mean, once she gets past her (rather thin) life story, does she have something else to talk about, besides how to shoot elks with an AK-47? Mac's hacks better get to work, and write up a semi-decent speech for her.

My Frontier Thesis said...

Here's a better link regarding Leia, hairstyles and costume.

Mr roT said...

AI, I bet you're right that haven't thought of this; you shoud call the campaign and tell them she has to say something and not be too embarrassing. Make sure she knows not to use the N-word.

Tecumseh said...

Hey, I liked Star Wars -- what's wrong with it?

Mr roT said...

Star Trek was my scifi. Maybe closed my mind to the rest. Didn't like Luke S.

Tecumseh said...

Yes, Luke sucked. But the other characters were pretty good.

Pepe le Pew said...

amy maison-vin

Mr roT said...

Pepe, what's that? Amy wine house? I get it now. Grrr. Friend Scheissehaus.

Tecumseh said...

JJ, JJ -- you're slippin'.