Saturday, August 30, 2008

A warm bucket of spit

Finally, a mature assessment from NRO; after the first flush of excitement, reality starts to sink in. McCain is essentially telling the world that he doesn't really need a Vice President. It is hard to imagine Palin playing the same sort of role that modern Vice Presidents like Gore, Bush, Cheney, or Mondale played. Rather, the Office would seem poised to return to the "proverbial warm bucket of p***" category. McCain has thus made a purely political play without regard for the governance concerns.


Mr roT said...


Mr roT said...

The NRO article $= \emptyset$, but it had one high point. Shannen Coffin [!] misspells "Mitt".

Tecumseh said...

He also calls Mac "desparate", Mr. Straman. OK, Coffin is not too bright, but his point remains.

My Frontier Thesis said...

Now let's talk incessantly about this until November.

Tecumseh said...

Sounds like a great plan. What else can we say?

Mr roT said...

Sarah Palin. Nude pics!

Mr roT said...

BTW, AI. I believe "p***" means "piss". Now I know we have been prohibited from using mean labels here, but when quoting a dope from NRO that has no arguments and is just spreading ignorance, I guess it shoudl be allowed.

Mr roT said...

Camille Paglia

Mr roT said...

Wow, reductionism.

Tecumseh said...

That idiot screwed up the famous quote: it's a bucket of spit, not of piss -- of course. Paglia: blah. Rush: “We’re the ones with a babe on the ticket”. Rah, rah, pffft, as Pepe would say, if he wasn't running around God knows where.

Sullivan (of course, an Obamaniac): It was another tactic – guerrilla-style, clever, nimble, deft. But, one senses, also a little desperate, a little too risky, a little unserious. America is at war with lethal enemies, its economy is teetering, its people are unsettled. And McCain gave us a 44-year-old former beauty queen as the person who could be asked to take over the White House in an emergency if anything happened to the oldest first-term president in American history. Tactically: daring. Strategically: potentially disastrous.

Mr roT said...

Sullivan is horrendous so often that his criticism is cause for joy. I like the way Brookheiser has said this and I think he has a point, superficially. That's why I wrote that it's reductionist.

But Palin is more than just some broad to get broads. She is also conservative to fill in base problems McCain has and effectively anticorruption which the republicans could really use. In addition she is not some grey droning flaccidus like Romney, Ridge, Pawlenty...

Lastly, curmudgeons can't win an election. Reagan was a dopey cheerleader too, with a degree in phys ed from Eureka College or something equally hilarious. But he was right on the important issues.

Arelcao Akleos said...

Actually, JJ, Reagan's degree was in Economics. Just because he played a football player in the movies doesn't mean he was a dumb jock

[by the way, a certain school has hired a new phys ed instructor, out of Springfield College, that absolutely puts the Dumb into the Jock. At the same time, that certain school lost its prime Latin teacher. I figure an IQ drop of about 100 points with that exchange.

Tecumseh said...

JJ, JJ, you keep contradicting yourself, while straining so hard in finding positive things to say about that moose-chasing broad. First, you were telling me how Papa Bush won despite of Dan "Potatoe" Quayle, now you say curmudgeons don't win elections. But, wasn't Papa Bush a curmudgeon? Now, I always warned against re-running the disastrous Dole-Kemp campaign from back in 1996 -- Dole was the old curmudgeon warhorse, and look how far he got. Nothing wrong in trying out a fresh face (in fact, it's good sometimes) -- but that face should have some experience. Have you thought about how much experience Reagan had before he ran for President in 1980? That kind of experience does not come from reading basketball scores on a dinky Alaska station, or being mayor of some caribou hamlet out in the wilderness. Now, I grant you that I'd rather have that than a Daley machine out-and-out pinko-lefty calling the shots. But barely -- and you're talking to someone to the right of Attila the Hun, don't forget.

Mr roT said...

GHWB was no curmudgeon. He was a goofy smiling kind-gentle with a lip problem.