Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Debating Lieberman as VP


Tecumseh said...

Good to see Robert Novak still has some oomph left -- I thought he was in real bad shape. At any rate: While an announcement in St. Paul of Lieberman as vice president would bring groans from the assembled Republicans, placing him at the State Department would evoke a standing ovation. Yep, I agree 100%.

Mr roT said...

I'll go along. At State he'd be good. Or Sec Def. But then who for VP? Kay Bailey Hutchinson? He's got Texas in the goddamned bag. Michigan is close but yuck Romney.
He'll sink us all. He's too much like Kerry with that uncomfortable grin. Creepy. Ugh. Wash hands.

Tecumseh said...

I thought you liked Huck.

Tecumseh said...

A bright spot: looks like Haley Barbour is doing a reasonable job at patching together a compromise platform. Maybe they can use the same spirit in choosing a reasonable VP candidate. Smoke-filled backrooms have their uses.

Arelcao Akleos said...

This VP stuff is almost always overrated. Bush-I won with Quayle, and Gorezilla lost with Lieberman. LBJ had no hope, even with Humphrey, and Reagan could win with Bush-I.
It would take some truly extraordinary pick for McCain to see a substantial difference made in this campaign.