Saturday, August 30, 2008

Republican Dirty Tricks!


Tecumseh said...

Hmmm... I wouldn't put this past those pinkos, but it's kind of thin gruel. Expect much more of this, at various levels. Can she stand the heat?

Mr roT said...

She? You think the Sobamites will only attack her? How is it that even this is an attack on her? Aides rebut nonsense like this.

AI, you need to get over being jilted along with Mitt. I'll bet she does just fine against that idiot Biden and the election turns on other things.

Recall the best line in a VP debate in recent memory (if not history) was Bentsen asswidening Quayle to watermelon-accepting size. Quayle bent to take that, comparing himself to JFK.

Who won that election?

Tecumseh said...

We've been over this a half-dozen times, JJ. Are you getting hit by Mr. Alz, or is it Gustav already hitting the Coast? As I said before, Papa Bush had the luxury to name a nobody like Quayle back in 1988, and weather Quayle's pitiful performance in the campaign. Two big reasons: (1) Bush the Elder was coasting on Reagan's record, and (2) Roger Ayles and Lee Atwater ran a masterful campaign against Dukakis. Can you tell me how (1) and (2) apply now? Or, what takes their place?

Mr roT said...

Evil genius Karl Rove trumps Ailes and Asswater. McCain is a much better candidate than Poppy Bush. Palin is better than Quayle.

Dukakis was horrendous, yes (and you want another drooping wang from Massachusetts to run for high office but on our side). But I think Obama will be poor too. I was in Boston when Dukakis got the nomination. People were excited. Tired of Reagan's senility and Iran-Contra, the Dems were trying to pull another Jimmah on the country, getting an incompetent regional-importance governor to get out of the filthy beltway.

Smart guys in Physics and Math departments were saying that once the national media ran with calling Dukakis "the Duke" all would be over with.

Then Willie Horton showed up.

Jeremiah wright hasn't shown up yet though Ayers and Britney Spears have, AI...

Rove, you evil genius...

Mr roT said...

Rove is also holding these in his sleeve. I can hear the 527s grinding.

Tecumseh said...

You're trying to make a point, JJ, but you're just diggin' deeper. First of all, Karl Rove ain't running McCain's campaign -- he's just a talking head on Fox Channel. And second, 20 years have passed since Willie Horton. The MSM is twice as much in the tank, and much more corrupted than before. They will do whatever it takes to push their candidate over the line. Have you watched CNN's political coverage lately? I do now and then for 10 minutes before I puke. 20 years ago they had Bernard Shaw, who was a very good, hard-hitting journalist. It was he who buried Dukakis at the debates with the Willie Horton--Kitty Dukakis question. Can you imagine anyone -- anyone -- in the MSM popping that kind of question about one of Obama's friends (say, Wright, or Rezko) and Michelle during the coming debates? I can't.

Mr roT said...

GWB won less than 4 years ago, AI, with all the shithead press against him and the Tecumsehs against him too. We'll be fine; be not afraid.