Wednesday, August 27, 2008

"All Men Are Created Equal....." That's soooooooo Redneck. Time for Some Versailles!


Tecumseh said...

Grand slam! Or is it a looping single? I say, it's all MSM baloney.

Pepe le Pew said...

Yeah, that healthcare for all notion is soooo elitistic. Health for the rich & employed is the way of the common man.

Tecumseh said...

Yada, yada, yada. And your point is, Pepe? We've been around and around this issue for a long time, and you never offer anything more substantive than your 2-bit, pidgin-marxist, babbling pinkohead 1-liners, devoid of any meaning or content.

Pepe le Pew said...

And your point is, Pepe?
That Obama's healthcare plan is hardly elitistic compared to what is here presently.

you never offer anything...
ai - i would accept this comment from anyone but you: you are unable to make a sentence that doesn't reduce any disagreement to pinko-babble unworthy of any argument! Matter of fact, you never make an argument. You just state that you disagree and disparage the conflicting notions.

Mr roT said...

Oh goddammit, Not Vitter again!

Tecumseh said...

Pepe: I posted a 3-page essay at some point, explaining what I think is going on with the health system in the US. But of course, that flew by you, so why bother? In my life-long experience with lefties, it's just about impossible to conduct a logical dialogue with them -- it's like walking through molasses. I'm actually quite philosophical about that -- I view it as part and parcel of la condition humaine. Once people put on pinko glasses, it's bye-bye critical thought, or cartesian logic. There should be a study on this. Preferably funded by the Nanny State.

Pepe le Pew said...

a 3-page essay on fcp ? where is it?