Friday, August 29, 2008

Hail Ted!

Cute kid and a good way to take toesucker's advice and wsj's advice to run against congressional corruption. Hey, this could be getting interesting. Also, the choice is taking over all the buzz from Obama's speech last night (if there was one). LGFers happy as they are at the NRO corner. A good sign for the base. Wonkette calls her a GILF! Wonderful!


Tecumseh said...

OK, she's cute. But how can McCain say with a straight face to Obama that he's not experienced, when she's even less so? Let's see if she can talk, at least. Can she?

Mr roT said...

Don't know how they'll put it. Maybe they feel that that 'issue' is dead or overused already. Anyway, if Biden were to bring up her inexperience in a debate she could counter that her experience is better than Obama's which is true.

Tecumseh said...

Does she have more brains than Paris Hilton?

Mr roT said...

Still in Mitt-pout mode, are we?

Tecumseh said...

Speaking of Mitt, here is what he says. But what is he really thinking? C'mon, JJ, don't tell me you seriously think this neophyte Mac picked is better qualified than Mitt? OK, OK, it's all politics, and maybe, maybe he had some reasons. You and I and AA have criticized Obama at length for his extremely thin resumé -- for good reason. But he looks like Joe Biden compared to Palin. Has she ever done anything in life, besides running in a beauty contest some years ago?

Tecumseh said...

PS: At least Dan Quayle was Senator when Papa Bush picked him out of nowhere. At first glance, Palin looks more of a lightweight than Quayle was.

Mr roT said...

AI, she's running for VP, not POTUS. Also, your friends at NRO love her. Look arounnd on that site today. McCain hit a grand slam.

Mr roT said...


Mr roT said...

still more

Mr roT said...


Mr roT said...

best day we've had in a long time

Mr roT said...

not quayle

Mr roT said...

Charen and KAPOW!!

Tecumseh said...

All right, I'll look at all those links. But so what? I'm not a Party-line type of guy, like, say, Pepe, who would cheer for Britney Spears if Obama had chosen her as his running mate. I'm just being consistent -- I think one has to have a certain level of experience, and a certain record of accomplishment before running for national office. And, yes, a VP is not POTUS -- but can become one in a heartbeat. So a VP got to be qualified to become POTUS if need be.

Can you imagine Palin sitting at the table with Putin and playing hardball? I can't. He would eat her alive.

Tecumseh said...

I noticed during her performance today — and in an interview posted online — that she doesn’t change “-man” words to “-woman” or “-person.” OK, that's very good -- it's a pet peeve of mine, as you well know. Still, how does this help with Putin?

Tecumseh said...

"She has thrilled the GOP's conservative base, which can now in good conscience give itself to the McCain candidacy with enthusiasm—not feigned enthusiasm, real enthusiasm—for the first time since the senator entered the race. This has solved McCain's worst strategic problem." Huh? I'm the conservative base, ain't I? So how come I'm not thrilled. I'm listening, but I'm not convinced. She may be good at HUD or something, but VP and President Pro Tem of the Senate? Maybe in 10-15 years. One needs to build qualifications first. That's what the conservative position is, as opposed to the pinko-flaky one.

Tecumseh said...

More valuable than pearls is a woman who likes to fish and hunt. I don't think such women exist. Ergo, Palin doesn't exist. (Am I learning Pepean logic, or what?)

Arelcao Akleos said...

I know nothing about Palin, except the headline announcements over this. I'd better read up on her before trying to weigh her merits.
Still, I'd say that 2 years as a hands on Governor is probably more likely to season you than 3-4 years as a barely there Senator. Obama was definitely "barely there", but I do not know if Palin was "hands on". So, you guys enjoy for a few days.

Tecumseh said...

JJ likes hands-on experience.

Mr roT said...


Tecumseh said...

From Palin's press secretary: "I said if McCain were down 10 points, he would have to throw the Hail Mary. He threw it anyway." Why? Is this a sign of inspiration, or a sign of desperation?